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Elizabeth (Widows of Blessings Valley Book 1) Page 14
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Page 14
“This is delicious,” Elizabeth smiled. “I’ve not had anything that tasted so perfect.”
“I have to say that I agree with you,” Auggie finished his last spoonful then pushed the bowl aside. “If not for Mary’s cooking, I’d be here every meal.”
“I can see why. Both Mary and Millie have skills that rival each other.” Elizabeth dabbed her mouth with the napkin then sat back eyeing him.
Auggie felt her gaze judge him completely. She waited for him to explain, rather dig himself out of the hole he’d dug last night.
“I apologize if I misled you at dinner. It was not my intention to do so.” Auggie placed his napkin on the table counting his blessings she was willing to allow him to at least come up with an explanation, of sorts.
“That’s why we are here, for you to tell me what you really meant.” Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at him.
“I would like you to assist in planning a garden. That’s what I meant by more duties.” Auggie began climbing out of that hole. “It will take a woman’s touch. I hope that the ladies of Blessings Valley will hold garden parties there.”
“And it would give guests a place to relax or have a quiet conversation.” Elizabeth added, her face softening into the smile he’d grown to love.
Love? Yes love! He found that warm, inviting smile of hers was something he loved about her.
“Among other reasons to enjoy it, yes.” Auggie agreed thinking of the many stolen kisses that may take place among the blooms.
Elizabeth blushed a lovely shade of pink. He’d have to send for some roses that matched the shade so every time he saw them, he’d think of her.
“What do you have in mind?” Elizabeth asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.
“A shelter or gazebo out of the sun where guests could have tea or read or just sit in peace.” Auggie suggested off the top of head after remembering what his mother’s garden had looked like. “A small walking path if there is room. I don’t have a large enough piece of property in the back for anything overly extravagant.”
“You’ll need some shrubs to offer some privacy for anyone who takes a stroll.” Elizabeth offered. “And flowers that are not only pleasant to smell but also to look at. That will survive the heat of the summers here when there can be a lack of rain for weeks.”
“With enough green space to play lawn games.” Auggie said as an afterthought.
“I thought this was for the ladies?” Elizabeth scrutinized, then laughed. “Do you think they’ll only want to play croquette?”
“Well, I would hope they would. If they want more than tapping a ball around the grounds or anything else a garden can offer then they need to either go home or register in the hotel.” Auggie grinned, knowing full well what Elizabeth was getting at. Some may want to use the privacy for a little intimacy with their walking partners.
“How much land do you have to work with?” Elizabeth inquired a small grin on her soft pink lips.
“I believe a third of an acre.” Auggie calculated in his head. “That should give us plenty of room to accommodate our purposes. If not and more is needed, then I’ll purchase what we need.”
“I think we should starting planning then, don’t you?” Elizabeth had that sparkle back in her eyes. The one that always made him feel everything was going to be fine and right. But could he trust the feeling with his heart?
“So I have redeemed myself in your eyes?” Auggie smiled, hoping he must have but wanted to hear it from her.
“Yes, Auggie, you have.” Elizabeth smiled, finishing the last of her tea.
Auggie waved for the waitress and paid for their meal.
“When do you plan to get started?” Auggie asked, anxious to spend more time with her. If they worked closely on the details then he may be able to learn things about her he otherwise wouldn’t be able to.
“How about this afternoon?” Elizabeth suggested.
“You won’t mind spending your day off working?” Auggie held back the joy reaching his heart.
“For this? Not at all.” Elizabeth stated getting up from the table and leaving him to pay the check.
“A garden!” Elizabeth whispered standing outside of Millie’s waiting for Auggie. Visions of scrolled metal benches, a table for two under a gazebo surrounded by flowering trees, an arbor draped with a lush vine. Couples strolling along a path discussing whatever young couples in love discuss. It could be a place for weddings as well during the spring and fall.
“Are you ready to get to work, Elizabeth?” Auggie asked offering his arm.
“Yes,” Elizabeth accepted his arm and they started to head back over to the hotel. Glancing across the street, Smith’s Dry Goods grabbed her attention and beckoned.
“Do you mind if we go to Smith’s first? I’d like to inspect their seed inventory.” Elizabeth asked re-routing their journey. “Get an idea of what we might be able to have planted.”
“Not at all,” Auggie chuckled, once again taking the lead. “Smith’s may even have a mail-order catalogue you can look at.”
“That would be wonderful!” Elizabeth smiled. He really is thoughtful. How could I think badly of him? Because I jump to conclusions. Because he isn’t—Stop it, Elizabeth!
Reaching Smith’s, Elizabeth sprung up the steps with Auggie in tow. She couldn’t wait to take a look at the catalogues and start to pick out garden furniture. Anything to get her mind off the past and focused on the future.
“Mr. Raines. Mrs. Hamilton. Good to see you both again.” Mr. Smith greeted from behind the counter a small grin on his face.
“Mr. Smith,” Elizabeth said ignoring the smile hoping it meant nothing other than a greeting. Why should it mean anything more than that? She was being silly. “Do you happen to have any flower seed packets?”
“And a mail-order catalogue?” Auggie added as Elizabeth started to scour the nearby shelves.
“I happen to have two that you can look at, which would you prefer?” Mr. Smith asked reaching under the counter and producing the two catalogues.
“Let’s start with Montgomery Ward, if it is one of them,” Elizabeth called out looking over at the two men standing around casually. “Where did you say the seeds were kept?”
“On the shelf behind you and to your left, Mrs. Hamilton.” Mr. Raines instructed.
Elizabeth sorted through the seeds, disappointed at not finding what she thought would be nice for the Grand garden. When Auggie said he planned on putting one in she pictured an arbor of beautiful light purple flowers. Now she was certain they’d have to order the plants from one of the catalogues and hope they arrived in planting condition.
She’d really hoped she’d been able to get started growing something right away, instead she returned to the front counter empty handed and disappointed.
“Have you found anything interesting?” Elizabeth asked standing next to Auggie gazing over his arm. The page was turned to men’s fashions and which nothing to do with gardens.
“I looked but I wouldn’t know it if I had come across anything useful or not.” Auggie laughed. “Which is why I need your input. Did you find anything worth planting?”
Elizabeth sighed. “No, I’m afraid what I have in mind may not be possible.”
“All things are possible, Elizabeth.” Auggie said putting an arm around her shoulder and drawing her in.
What is he doing? She thought seeing the surprised look on Mr. Smith’s face. Has he gone mad and forgotten we are in public? No, he’s been familiar on purpose but why?
“Did you see an arbor while you leafed through the pages?” Elizabeth asked, moving the catalogue in front of her and flipped through the pages. She managed to put some distance between them. It felt like something was missing now but she kept her attention on the pages passing through her vision.
“I believe I did, as well as a nice gazebo.” Auggie asked taking her hint and moving a few inches from her. “Why don’t we go back to the office and discuss the plans for it?”
“Are you thinking of adding a garden to the Grand, Mr. Raines?” Mr. Smith inquired, that damn smile back on his face. Elizabeth was sure he was already calculating the possible order.
“Elizabeth is helping me in designing one,” Auggie remarked, his smile sending heat down her spine.
“Mr. Raines has asked me to help with the design. Nothing more,” Elizabeth said, establishing as sense of formality once again.
“Thank you, Mr. Smith, for your assistance.” Elizabeth smiled and walked out of the store. She had to get some air for moment.
To get her pounding heart under control.
“Today is your day off, Elizabeth.” Auggie felt a bit guilty for having dominated some of her private time. However, she’d been the one to come into his office this morning, demanding an explanation. Well, not demanding quite but just the same strongly insisting. “Would you allow me to walk you back home? We can talk about the garden next time you are at the Grand. There’s no real hurry after all.”
“I thought you wanted to start on it right away,” Elizabeth remarked, staring at him.
“If there’s one thing I know it’s that these things take time.” Facing in the direction of her house, Auggie offered her his arm. “There are a number of things to be considered.”
“Such as what?” Elizabeth wrapped her arm through his, sending heat through his blood vessels. “We make the decision what to buy and order it. How can that be so hard?”
“Harder than people may think.” Auggie chuckled. “First of all planning the layout; what you want to plant and where you want people to sit. Then there is finding the right work crew and giving them a timeframe to finish the garden. Finding the right plants for the soil so that I’m not replacing them each year. The last thing is purchasing the furniture.”
“Oh, I thought you would get what you wanted and then put things into storage.” Elizabeth scrunched her face in a way that made her look like an adorable young lady. The urge to kiss the tip of her turned up nose overwhelmed him.
“If there was a place to store the furniture maybe, but there isn’t.” Auggie said, trying to keep from insulting her intelligence. All the storage space in the hotel was full; there wasn’t room for more. “It’s not the right time to plant flowers. At least I don’t think it is. That’s why I need to consult with someone who knows these things.”
“I see.” Disappointment echoed in Elizabeth’s voice. “I guess I got a bit too excited.”
“We both may have,” Auggie said, accepting some of the blame himself. He’d had to come up with the lie of the garden to keep from losing her.
They continued walking in comfortable silence, each in their own thoughts. When Auggie glanced up the sun gleamed off the church cross in the distance.
“Elizabeth, may I ask you something?” Auggie hesitated a moment. He may be pushing things, but he wanted to know why she seemed to hurry pass the church. He’d noticed it the few times they’d walked together on the path. He wasn’t an every Sunday church goer, but he worshipped when he could.
“You may ask. No guarantee I’ll answer.” Elizabeth looked like she really didn’t want to answer any questions concerning herself. After dinner last night, he really didn’t blame her.
“I have noticed that you always seem to hurry past the church each time I’ve walked with you.” Auggie said. “I was wondering why.”
“I’m not sure you would understand.” Elizabeth looked up at him, a deep sadness in her eyes. “Because I haven’t forgiven yet.”
“Forgiven?” Auggie asked confused. What did the church have to do with her forgiveness? “Who and what needs your forgiveness?”
“Does it matter?” Elizabeth asked, slipping her arm out of his. “It’s a private matter.”
A wave of coolness touched him and he longed for her warm touch to return.
“I don’t mean to pry. It was only an observation. I was a bit curious is all,” Auggie explained feeling there was more but didn’t want to push her. He wanted to redeem himself in her eyes. “Would you be interested in dining with me again tonight around five o’clock? I promise not to talk about work.”
“Dinner?” Elizabeth asked, looking at him like he’d lost his mind. “We just had a late breakfast, and you’re thinking of food again?”
“All this talk about the garden has given me an appetite, I guess.” Auggie exaggerated wishing she’d take his arm again. He wasn’t ready to let her go yet today. “Didn’t it make you hungry?”
Elizabeth laughed and he felt the tension between them lessen.
“Not at the moment,” she said, a smile back on her face.
“I want to make it up to you.” Auggie said, lightly touching her elbow. “My behavior last night wasn’t exactly stellar. All I had on my mind was the Grand and expanding the business.” He lied not wanting her to know just how badly he wanted to know everything about her.
“It wasn’t you Auggie” Elizabeth began looking ahead of her and not at him. “It was your questions and the end result. At least where it was left at the end of the night.”
“So it wasn’t my behavior I need to be concerned about?” Auggie asked thankful that she had given him a reprieve.
“No it wasn’t.” Elizabeth smiled turning a pretty shade of pale pink that brightened her eyes.
She lowered her lashes shyly. Is she flirting with me? Chances were not, but he’d hold on to that tiny piece of hope anyway.
“Then you’ll have dinner with me?” Auggie asked hopeful.
“Yes, I’ll have dinner with you.” Elizabeth smiled looping her arm around his once again.
Elizabeth peered out the window at the crunching sound of wagon wheels. Opening the door she was surprised to find Auggie disembarking from a carriage dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt.
“Auggie, what in the world?” Elizabeth exclaimed standing on the porch in a blue cotton dress.
“Hello Elizabeth,” Auggie greeted a warm smile on his face. “I thought we might do something different from last night. Are you willing for something that may be seen as unconventional?”
Elizabeth looked down at her dress wondering if she were a bit overdressed for what he might have in mind. This was definitely going to be a casual evening.
“Depends on what you mean by different.”
“Well, I was thinking a ride through the countryside would be nice.” Auggie began coming up the steps towards her. Her heart thumped so loud she thought he’d hear it for sure.
“I think I’d like that,” she said. “Let me get my hat and then I’ll be right out.”
Auggie nodded as she went back inside.
A ride in the country? This will look like so much more than just a business relationship, if someone should see us. And I said I’d go. What is wrong with me? My Steven has only been gone for such a short time and I’m stepping out with another man!? Elizabeth hesitated to put her hat on as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. For the first time in a long while she didn’t look weary or tired. She looked almost—happy.
Tying the ribbon under her chin, she headed out the door. “I’m ready,” she said taking Auggie’s arm and then his hand as he helped her up into the carriage. The guilt she’d once hung onto left in the shadows of grief.
“Do you know where we are going?” she smiled watching him walk around and then climb into his side of the carriage.
“I thought we would just drive along until we got hungry.” Auggie said, snapping the reins. “Walk on” he called out to the bay.
“That sounds nice. No worries. No timeline.” Elizabeth said looking at him as he handled the horse with expertise. The way he commanded the horse with a gentle hand. Just as he conducted everything in his life. Gentle and with compassion. He was darn near perfect in her eyes.
“That is exactly what I am hoping for. The further away from prying eyes the more relaxed we both may be.” He glanced over at her with hope in his eyes.
“Well I think that is exa
ctly what is needed for us to get to know each other more.” Elizabeth agreed as the Oklahoma countryside slowly went by. “You handle a horse and carriage fairly well.”
“Thank you, I grew up on a horse ranch. I learned at a young age that quiet and gentle hands are best.” Auggie smiled but there was a sadness in his eyes.
“That had to be wonderful to have some stability in your life.” Elizabeth said thinking back on how chaotic her own life had been growing up.
“It was actually.” Auggie’s expression softened as those memories she could only imagine flooded him. “I love horses. Was an expert rider until…”
Elizabeth watched his face become ashen and remorse. “Until you came here and became a hotelier?”
“Yes, something like that.” Auggie reined in near a stream. “How is this?”
Elizabeth looked around absorbing the fresh clean smells of being in the country brought. “I think it’s a perfect spot.”
Auggie tied off the horse, jumped out of the carriage and helped Elizabeth out. When she put her hand in his that warmth of familiarity spread through her again. How could he have this effect on her? He was her boss, and friend, nothing more. Never will be. She wasn’t ready. Or was she?
“Why don’t you pick a spot while I get the basket and blanket,” Auggie said releasing her hand.
Turning away Elizabeth walked toward the bank of the stream where a tree shaded a place from the sun. There were yellow flowers scattered along the grasses and around the trunk of the tree. Birds were chirping. Butterflies played among the blooms collecting nectar.
It was peaceful and perfect.
Auggie lifted a wicker basket and plaid blanket from the back of the carriage. When he turned around Elizabeth stood under the shade of the tree watching everything around her. She turned and the smile on her face was stunning. If only he could put that smile on her face every day. Maybe one day.
“This is a perfect place Auggie.” She said walking slowly toward him.
Willing his body to move, he replied, “I was hoping you would like it. I come here when I need to get away from town and think.”